ISO Audit Procedure – IAS
The process of obtaining the System certification involves four Critical Phases
- Offer & Contract Phase
- Audit preparation stage
- Performance of Audit
- Issuance of certificate
Offer and contract Phase
The application sent consisting of the
- Basic requirements such as Product/service rendered, Product/service specifications and ranges, Process of Product/service manufactured/rendered, Country of Product/service rendered, Address of the registration, No of Units and its addresses, Shift timings, No of employees at each departments
- Legal requirement such as Company registration, Product/service related compliances in the country rendered
Upon receipt of completed application from the organization our Techno commercial team contacts you on guiding the process of certification and helps you out in finding the right standards applicable to your organization by forwarding you the Questioners for obtaining quotation for certification.
Upon approval of Quotation / Contract our technical team analyses the data for the proceeding to plan on the selection of auditor to the audit of stage 1 and stage 2.
Audit Preparation Stage
Auditor team deputed till stage2 audit. Team may comprise of Team leader or Team Leader, Auditors and Technical Expert as per 17021. The methods of audit are strictly adhered as per the ISO 19011 which is a basic mandatory requirement by our accreditation.
Our auditors are given the details of your organization to access the details prior to audit to render the audit professionally.
During the preparation of audit the organization being audited is obliged to provide any changes in the organizational structure or changes in the procedure to the certification body.
Conducting Audits
Audit is conducted in two stages such as Stage1 and Stage 2 for Initial certification audit.
Stage 1 Audit
The auditors review the documentation prepared by the organization for its effectiveness to determine the readiness of Management system that is being audited
It may involve auditing of
- To review your organizations, documentation, evaluate your sites and specific conditions to ensure your preparation for Stage 2
- Your overall understanding of significant aspects, processes, objectives and operation.
- To ensure the scope, processes, locations and statutory and regulatory requirement if any…
- Required resources for stage 2 audit.
Observations closure
Upon conducting the verification audit the auditor raises points of observation that needs to be closed. The observation closure prepares the organization towards effective Stage 2 audit.
Stage 2 Audit
The auditors evaluate the conformity of the Management system that is being audited against the applicable standard.
It may involve auditing
- To evaluate the implementation agianst all requirement of standard and its effectivness.
- To evaluate the performance monitoring, measuring, reporting and reviewing against key performance objectives and targets and response to your client’s policies.
- To check the operational control of the client’s processes;
- Ensure internal auditing and management review is effectively performed.
- links between the normative requirements, policy, performance objectives and targets
- Applicable legal requirements, responsibilities, competence of personnel, operations, procedures
- To evaluate the changes in scope, processes, locations and statutory and regulatory requirement,documentation and implentation against all standards, its effectiveness and its improvements
- And additionally the requirements stated in stage2.
- To review your organizations documentation, evaluate your sites and specific conditions.
- Your overallunderstanding of significantaspect,processes, objectivesandoperation.
- And additionally ther equirements stated in stage2
Multi-site organization
Certification of organization is categorized as multi sited when an organization carries out similar activity under same management system. Under such cases our certification body performs audit on all the sites within the three year certification cycle. The location to be audited will be determined based on random sampling procedure.
Non conformance and Closure
A finding found is declared as an non conformity after evaluating it against the applicable Standard or internal procedure or the Statutory and Regulatory applicable to the product/service rendered. The non conformity given is further classified to Major / Minor according to the impact caused to the organization. Any Major non conformity is given a time period of 60 days and minor nonconformity a time period of 90 days.
Issuance of certificate
After the evaluation of closure evidences the Certification Body releases the certificate if the evidences are accepted by the technical committee, and grant the certificate for the organization.
Contact IAS today to learn more about ISO Audit procedure or visit our ISO Audit procedure frequently asked questions page!